42 research outputs found

    Research Neural Network to Recognize Blood Cells

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    The work investigates a neural network classifier for the differential diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphomas. Specialized software was developed for research. The accuracy characteristics of the recognition of red blood cells were obtained in studies, it allows to judge about the possibility of using neural networks for classification of blood cells. Keywords: neural network, digital image processing, blood cells detection, acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Research of the Leukocytes Segmentation Method in the Blood Cells Recognition Systems

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    The paper proposed a method of segmentation of leukocytes from the blood and bone marrow samples. A study of the accuracy characteristics of the method is carried out. The techniques of watersheds and the distances transformation were used as the basis of our segmentation method to achieve optimal segmentation of leukocyte. Proposed method was successfully embedded in the system of automatic recognition of white blood cells for classification of blood cells. Keywords: white blood cells segmentation, cells recognition, watershed method, distance transformation method, acute leukemia


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    The financial position of electric power engineering  branch in theRepublicofBelarushas been analyzed for 2006–2007 years. Performance of the industry  has been analyzed on the basis of an availability factor of own circulating facilities that characterizes availability of own circulating facilities at an organization which are necessary for its financial stability. So the above-mentioned factor as of 01.01.2007 and 01.01.2008 has been equal to 0.04 and 0.05, respectively, however it is significantly lower in comparison with a normative value (0.3). It means that we have unsatisfactory value of the availability factor of own circulating facilities.  The paper reveals main problems and difficulties concerning extinguishing consumers’ debt for gas which is formed as of 01.12.1996. In order to improve financial situation of power-supplying organizations it is expedient to consider writing-off  of the gas debt  with simultaneous writing-off of Republic consumers’ debt for electric power which is unreal for claiming. Проанализировано финансовое положение электроэнергетической отрасли Республики Беларусь за 2006–2007 гг. Дана характеристика в этой области по коэффициенту обеспеченности собственными оборотными средствами, который характеризует наличие у организации собственных оборотных средств, необходимых для ее финансовой устойчивости. Так, указанный выше коэффициент по состоянию на 01.01.2007 и 01.01.2008 составил соответственно 0,04 и 0,05, однако значительно ниже нормативного значения (0,3), что свидетельствует о наличии неудовлетворительного значения коэффициента обеспеченности собственными оборотными средствами. Указаны основные проблемы и трудности по погашению потребителями задолженности за газ, образовавшейся по состоянию на 01.12.1996. В целях улучшения финансового положения энергоснабжающих организаций целесообразно рассмотреть списание данной задолженности за природный газ с одновременным списанием нереальной к востребованию задолженности потребителей республики за энергию


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    The paper contains information on the basic directions of an investment activity in the power generation sector of the Republic of Belarus and importance of the realization of planned actions at the present moment. The main sources for financing modernization of basic production funds of the Belarusian power generation system have been analyzed in the paper. The paper describes general problems and difficulties that the power industry is facing while realizing investment projects. The most important problem is a formation of sources for complete project financing due to sharp price rise for imported power resources. The paper considers various approaches to provision of the required sources for financing investment activity in the power sector. The paper shows the need for a tariff policy reform, which is to be aimed, first of all, at the reduction of the cross subsidizing in power tariffs.Приведены основные направления инвестиционной деятельности в энергетическом секторе Республики Беларусь и доказана актуальность реализации намеченных мероприятий в настоящее время. Проанализированы главные источники финансирования модернизации основных производственных фондов Белорусской энергосистемы. Указаны главные проблемы и трудности, с которыми столкнулась энергетическая отрасль в реализации инвестиционных проектов, наиболее значимая из которых – формирование источников их финансирования в полном объеме, в связи с резким ростом цен на импортируемые энергоресурсы. Рассмотрены различные подходы по обеспечению необходимыми источниками финансирования инвестиционной деятельности в энергетическом секторе. Отражена необходимость совершенствования тарифной политики, которая должна быть направлена, в первую очередь, на сокращение перекрестного субсидирования в тарифах на энергию.

    Method of Myelogram Analysis in Leukocyte Recognition Systems

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    An approach for the formation of a myelogram was proposed. It is based on digital image processing and pattern recognition. It is used in automated analysis of blood smears and bone marrow. The proposed approach is implemented in an automated recognition system of blood cells. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was evaluated. Keywords: Computer microscopy, image processing, segmentation, blood cells recognition, acute leukemi

    System Approach to the Development of Intelligent Complexes of Oncological Diagnostics

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    The system approach to the development of intellectual complexes in cancer diagnosis are discussed in the article. Distinctive features of this approach: the participation of pathologist at the stage of description of recognizable images (the description is based on traditional assessments of quality informative features of tumors); the set of the most similar probabilistic diagnoses is forming on the classification stage of recognition; final histological diagnosis is made by pathologist. The proposed approach has been successfully tested in clinical practice. Keywords: image processing, image description, image classification, pattern recognition, qualitative attributes of tumor images, interactive recognition, cancer diagnosis, decision support syste

    Поверхностная ионизация органических соединений азота, серы, фосфора и мышьяка

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    A research facility and a technique for measuring the basic parameters of surface ionization of organic compounds were developed. For a series of organic compounds of nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and arsenic the key parameters of surface ionization were determined.Разработана экспериментальная установка и методика определения основных параметров поверхностной ионизации органических соединений. Для ряда органических веществ на основе азота, серы, фосфора, мышьяка определены механизм и основные параметры поверхностной ионизации

    Реконструкция температуры деятельного слоя ледника на Западном плато Эльбруса за 1930–2008 гг.

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    The reconstruction of changes in the temperature of the base of the active layer (at a depth of 10 m) of the glacier on the Western plateau of Elbrus for the period 1930–2008 was performed. The temperature dynamics at this depth generally corresponds to the average annual changes in the air temperature at the height of the plateau (5100 m), since seasonal temperature fluctuations take place in the active layer. The initial data for the mathematical model are: 1) the temperature measurements in a borehole with a depth of 181.8 m, drilled on the plateau (2009); 2) vertical profile of the density of the firn/ice thickness; 3) vertical profile of the advection rate (ice speed), recently obtained from the analysis of the ice core (2015). Temperature changes are reconstructed by solving an incorrect inverse problem for the 1D heat equation with coefficients depending on the depth. The following conditions are added to the heat conduction equation: 1) the initial one that is calculated stationary temperature profile related to the beginning of the reconstruction period; 2) the boundary condition at the glacier bed – calculated permanent geothermal heat flux; 3) the condition of redefinition, i.e. distribution of the temperature measured in the borehole at the end of the reconstruction period. Solving the inverse problem, we obtain a previously unknown boundary condition on the surface which is the temperature of the active layer base as a function of time. The depth is reckoned from the base of the active layer. The method used for solving the inverse problem is the Tikhonov regularization, implemented numerically as an iterative procedure. The boundary condition on the surface (the restored function of the temperature changes) was found as a finite sum of harmonics with indeterminate coefficients. To improve the accuracy of the reconstruction, we used harmonic frequencies obtained from another indirect climate indicator – the tree-ring chronology for the Central Caucasus. Wavelet analysis was used to extract characteristic frequencies from the dendrochronological data. Our reconstruction determined the temperature changes within range from –17.7 to –15.3 °C for the investigated period. The reconstruction data were compared with independent polynomial smoothed temperature series from the studied region: with ENCEP/ENCAR reanalysis (significant correlation coefficient 0.76), as well as with temperature measurements at the Terskol (0.53) and Teberda weather stations. The reconstruction clearly reflects the main climate trends of the twentieth century: a warmer period in the 1940s, a colder period in the 1960s and 1980s, and extreme warming around 2000.На основе результатов измерения температуры в скважине глубиной 181,8 м, пробуренной в толще льда, материалов анализа ледникового керна и древесно-кольцевой хронологии выяснено, что температура основания деятельного слоя ледника (примерно 10 м ниже поверхности, где затухают межсезонные колебания температуры) за исследуемый период менялась в диапазоне от –17,7 до –15,3 °С, и это полностью соответствует изменению температуры воздуха в средней тропосфере в районе Эльбруса, оценённой по данным реанализа

    Effect of a heated drilling bit and borehole liquid on thermoelastic stresses in an ice core

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    Thermal ice coring processes are accompanied by stresses in an ice core; micro-and macro-cracks are formed. Contamination under mechanical and thermal drilling usually penetrates from 5 to 30mm into the ice core. The quality of ice core acquired by thermal drilling depends on thermal stresses. To improve ice core quality, experimental and theoretical studies have been done. A prototype model of an antifreeze thermal electric drill (ATED) was tested. Temperature distribution in an ice core during thermal drilling was measured with thermocouples. To study temperature and stress distributions in an ice core, a mathematical model was developed. Impacts of ethanol-water solution (EWS) and kerosene on temperature and thermal stresses in an ice core were also studied. The experiments and model simulations have shown that thermal stresses in an ice core are proportional to the ratio of drilling bit length to penetration rate. The maximal thermal stresses in an ice core during thermal drilling exhibit only weak dependence on the type of borehole liquid. Forced circulation of the borehole liquid at the kerf leads to reduced depth of cracks by about 10mm

    Drilling of glacier boreholes with a hydrophilic liquid

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    During the last twenty years over 10000m of ice core have been recovered through the use of antifreeze thermal electric drills (ATED). An environmentally safe ethanol-water solution (EWS) was utilized as a borehole liquid. The ATED method has been widely used on high mountain temperate and polar glaciers. At glacier temperatures (T_i) from -28 to -8℃ the ATED penetration rate is about 420-450m/wk (I. A. ZOTIKOV; CRREL Rep., 79-24,12p., 1979; V. S. ZAGORODNOV; Ice Core Drilling : Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop Ice Drilling Tech., 97,1989). In Antarctica a borehole of 800m depth was drilled in ice at T_i=-53℃ in two month. Drilling of this borehole was continued the next field season. The major cause of ice core fracture under thermal drilling is thermoelastic stresses. The quality of an ice core taken under ATED can be significantly improved applying the forced circulation of EWS at the borehole kerf. Experimental and theoretical studies demonstrate that a modified ATED (m-ATED) reduces power consumption by 20%-40%. The penetration rate of the m-ATED at low temperatures (below -30℃) is estimated to be about 450m/wk. The logistic cost for deep (>1000m) drilling with ATED is estimated to be about 25% of the conventional thermal or mechanical drilling. Laboratory experiments show that ice can be dissolved by EWS. The phenomenon of ice dissolution by EWS can underlie the dissolution drilling technology (DDT). Further development of DDT technology may offer : simple drill structure, low power consumption, low thermal effect on ice core and borehole wall, ability to penetrate dirty ice, and low logistic cost